1-on-1 Coaching for Pastors
We have 2 options available (each session is 30-minutes):
- Get the clarity and focus you need to lead change - these 1-on-1 sessions are designed to work through a process to help you get critical forward movement
- 3-months (6 sessions)
- 6-months (12 sessions)
Interested? Send me a message.
Elder Alignment Retreats

Help your Elders/Board get clarity on the vision and develop right-sized strategies
- 2 options: Friday night to Saturday afternoon or Saturday 1-day
- DISCOVER your strengths, challenges, and who you're trying to reach
- DISCERN your specific strategies to reach them
- DECIDE your plan of action
- Custom retreats with particular ministry goals are also encouraged
Interested? Send me a message.
Group Coaching for Pastors

We are beta-testing a new 12-week cohort in 2024:
- 12 weekly sessions (1/2 teaching, 1/2 case studies)
- Topics include: right-sizing church staffing/leadership, digital ministry, dynamic worship experiences, next gen. ministry, spiritual formation, and outreach/evangelism
- Designed for both quick wins and long-term planning
Interested? Send me a message.
Church Coaching/Consulting

3-month, 6-month, and 12-month signature consultation (pending availability)
- Using a field-tested, research-based process to help your church identify and take massive action on its vision and mission
- Program begins with an assessment phase, moves to a discernment phase, and finishes with an implementation phase
Interested? Send me a message.