The Reclaimed Leader Podcast

The Reclaimed Leader Podcast

Church health strategies from two pastors in the trenches
RL 356: 4 Ways to Spark Momentum in Your Church
September 10, 202400:42:5234.35 MB

RL 356: 4 Ways to Spark Momentum in Your Church

Momentum is a bit of a mystery. How do you capture it? How do you know you have it? Is there a way to drive it? When it comes to church life, if you focus on this 4-legged stool of ministry, there’s a good chance you’ll generate momentum.

RL 355: 4 Critical Focal Points for Your Fall Leadership
September 03, 202400:39:1831.49 MB

RL 355: 4 Critical Focal Points for Your Fall Leadership

It’s launch time in our churches as we adjust to the new rhythm of back-to-school life. And some pastors have been asking: what are the most important things we should be working on this time of year? Today we have 4 critical focal points as you consider how to faithfully approach this Fall.

RL 354: Fixing a Broken Leadership Chain
August 27, 202400:24:4019.76 MB

RL 354: Fixing a Broken Leadership Chain

Today we’re talking about a real time ministry challenge at my church, how it happened, and what we’re going to do about it. Healthy bodies sometimes get infections. It's all about early treatment so it doesn't compromise overall health.

RL 353: You Can Have Both - Efficiency AND Excellence in Your Worship Resources
August 20, 202400:41:2033.12 MB

RL 353: You Can Have Both - Efficiency AND Excellence in Your Worship Resources

In this digital age, why is it so hard to find great worship resources like sermon illustrations, and liturgy? Well, it just got a whole lot easier. Today we talk with the Founder of The Pastor’s Workshop, Stuart Strachan, about how his non-profit can make your weekly worship prep life easier.

RL 352: Facing Your Fear Now - Why You Shouldn't Avoid Tough Conversations
August 13, 202400:27:4022.17 MB

RL 352: Facing Your Fear Now - Why You Shouldn't Avoid Tough Conversations

It’s one thing to realize you need to have a hard conversation with someone at church. Yes, you can try to just ignore the situation, but if you do, you may find people stop following you as a leader. 3 steps to handling difficult conversations NOW.

RL 351: Get Out of My Dreams, Step Into My Church (Having Strategic Vision)
August 06, 202400:37:5230.34 MB

RL 351: Get Out of My Dreams, Step Into My Church (Having Strategic Vision)

What do you daydream about in the life of the church? If you could wave a magic wand and move the ministry forward, what would need to happen? And, what if those dreams are God-breathed? We’re talking about putting dreams into action by cultivating strategic vision

RL 350: 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Planning by Incorporating it into Your Routine
July 30, 202400:36:1829.09 MB

RL 350: 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Planning by Incorporating it into Your Routine

Do you sometimes wonder how to plan Sunday mornings or seasons of the church a few weeks or months out? It’s tough when you feel you’re trapped by the everyday grind. But, it may not be as complicated as you think. 3 ways to strengthen your planning - and your leadership

RL 349: Charting the Course - The 3 Benefits of Knowing What's Next
July 23, 202400:31:0624.92 MB

RL 349: Charting the Course - The 3 Benefits of Knowing What's Next

It’s summer time! And, it’s not the time to worry about the details of your Thanksgiving sermon. But, it’s the perfect time to think about the direction you want to go this Fall. The art of mid-range planning - and the 3 benefits of knowing what's next.

RL 348: 7 Practical Questions to Evaluate Church Programs
July 16, 202400:37:0729.74 MB

RL 348: 7 Practical Questions to Evaluate Church Programs

When was the last time you really evaluated the ministry programs you offer? Maybe this summer it’s time to ask: Is what we do matching what God is calling us to do? 7 practical questions for your ministry programs. (Adapted from Dan Reiland's blog post on

RL 347: Busting the Young Adult Myth
July 09, 202400:30:1424.23 MB

RL 347: Busting the Young Adult Myth

Most mainline churches don’t have many 18-25 year-olds. Why have younger generations largely rejected the Church? Because to them, the Jesus of Church doesn’t match the Jesus of Scripture. In today's episode, we talk about ideas to cultivate gospel hope for our young adults. Check out https://reclai...