RL 338: The Problem with Discipleship (Spiritual Formation Series)
There’s a problem with spiritual formation in most churches – many think it’s a combination of faithful attendance and volunteerism. But is that the same thing as following Jesus? Today, we’re starting a series on how to approach spiritual formation in your church.
Momentum is a bit of a mystery. How do you capture it? How do you know you have it? Is there a way to drive it? When it comes to church life, if you focus on this 4-legged stool of ministry, there’s a good chance you’ll generate momentum.
It’s launch time in our churches as we adjust to the new rhythm of back-to-school life. And some pastors have been asking: what are the most important things we should be working on this time of year? Today we have 4 critical focal points as you consider how to faithfully approach this Fall.
Today we’re talking about a real time ministry challenge at my church, how it happened, and what we’re going to do about it. Healthy bodies sometimes get infections. It's all about early treatment so it doesn't compromise overall health.